Penis i vagina

qual a sensação de enfiar o pênis na vagina?


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Eles agradecem quando as parceiras se dedicam à essa área durante o sexo oral ou mesmo durante a estimulação manual. Ps:Mach dir nicht so viel Kopf über das Weiblichegeschlächt,sonder geniss einfach den Sex mit uns Frauen. Cetaceans have penises, similar to those of.

penis i vagina

The surface is spined with doubled headed or even tridentate spines pointing towards the body. The posterior fornix is deeper than the anterior fornix. These can be tears, bruises, inflammation and abrasions.

penis i vagina

MULHER COM PÊNIS E VAGINA TREPANDO COM UMA MULATA GOSTOSA - Quando o homem tem uma espécie de capuz na glande cabeça do pênis , ou seja, sem aquela aparência de cogumelo, é porque ele não foi circuncisado quando era bebê. The mother with the greatest number of kids that are not tiwns is Livia Ionce.

penis i vagina

I am surprised that there are no detailed answers from women yet! So, let me take it upon myself to tell the world. I'll split my answer in two parts - how it felt the first time and how it feels after a woman learns how to enjoy it. The first time: I was 21 when I first had intercourse I am an Indian woman - hence the late start. I was looking forward to the pleasure that all the books, music and movies described. But I was also apprehensive about the pain. I'd read about it but had absolutely no idea what to expect. That day I understood what 'burning like hell' actually meant. But when the head of the penis pushed into my vagina, it felt like someone had coated the mouth of my vagina with paprika and set it on fire. As the rest of the penis pushed in, the burning sensation combined with incredible pain grew exponentially. My vagina felt like a python's elastic mouth - stretched out beyond it's tiny width. I later discovered a minor cut in the base of my vagina. I didn't bleed - I have no idea what happened to my hymen. I screamed like I never have in my entire life. The guy felt really bad and wanted us to stop. But I wanted to get it done - it was like a rite of passage for me. Once inside, we stopped for a few minutes. It felt like a giant rubber blob was inside my vagina. It felt good at some level but I was still recovering from the pain I'd felt just a short while ago. Now came the difficult part - He went ahead and started to thrust. It felt like a warm rusty iron rod being scraped against ferrocerium to produce fire sparks. I was more than happy to get it done. It was not pleasurable at any level. What it feels like once a woman learns to have sex: For women, having sex is not a straightforward physical reflex like it is for men. For us, it is a learned activity that takes time, patience, training and the right frame of mind. Pleasurable sex is an acquired skill. Let's put it like this - for women, having sex is a step-by-step process. Step 1: Learning to have painless sex is like graduating high-school Step 2: Learning to have pain-free vaginal intercourse and actually enjoy it is like getting a Bachelor's degree Step 3: Learning to have an orgasm through self-pleasure is like getting a Master's degree Step 4: Learning to have an orgasm through a partner is like getting a Ph. D Step 5: Learning to have a multiple orgasms and all the other fancy stuff you see on porn videos is like getting a Post-Doc Just like in the real-world, most women will graduate high school and probably get a bachelor's degree. But, getting a master's degree or Ph. With the resources available on the internet, I hope young girls will have more resources to actually learn to have sex. I am 29 now and had very few resources when I was going through my learning curve - so it was very much trial and error. Coming back to the question - Once a woman identifies the best angle for the penis to enter her, things become infinitely more simple. She has to train the guy to follow her lead in order for him to make it a happy experience for her. Once this happens, it still feels like a rubber blob, but a beautiful rock-hard rubber blob fully covered in electric-impulse inducing pleasure knobs. It feels like a powerful presence has filled a void in you, is about to engulf you, render you powerless and rob you of your sense of control. As the thrusting begins, shock-waves spread all over the body. Especially down the legs, the back of the arms and around the hips. The vagina area becomes like a central crux of energy - radiating shockwaves throughout the body. Now, for women who don't know how to orgasm, this is where it stops. The guy will orgasm and that's it. For a woman to orgasm, she has to get her imagination running wild. She has to summon her sexual fantasy, succumb to it, and let it rule over her. This imagination needs to be helped by the man's thrusting and stimulation of the right spot. I have only had a G spot orgasm once. I can only have clitorial orgasms generally. Even when I had the G spot orgasm, I can't really be sure that's where the orgasm came from. When a woman is travelling towards orgasm and is highly stimulated, there is so much pleasure in her vaginal area - so many all encompassing electric currents passing between her legs, that it becomes hard to distinguish between the different parts of the female organ. It's like going numb with pleasure. This is why it is so hard for researchers to study the female orgasm and where it originates from. However, a woman always knows when the right point is not being stimulated. Now, it's not just enough if the right point is stimulated by the penis, it's important to get stimulated with the right amount of pressure, speed and frequency. In conclusion, it takes a really skilled lover. This is why it's so important for women to have a steady partner. Most men need to be trained by the woman in order for her to have pleasurable sex. What I've described is an overall gist. The specifics of what pushes each woman's envelope will of course be very different. What we see in porn is really hilarious and unrealistic - the majority of porn videos don't show the woman orgasming. She is only shown squealing and moaning. It takes a skilled woman to orgasm with any man. It takes a skilled man to take any woman to orgasm - though a lot of men like to think they are skilled like this - the truth is that most are not. A good lover is one who is extremely patient, waits for the woman to orgasm first and allows her to discover her own body. Good sex is like aged wine. It gets better with the age of the relationship and practice. As the man begins to understand what can give pleasure to the woman, his performance improves. Unless the man is extraordinary, it can never be good the first time - not for the woman. At that point I never understood why would any woman want to have sex? What is so pleasurable about it. Imagine someone trying to shove down a spoon through your throat. Still you are not enjoying as much as the books and movies or porn show you. You just do it, as your partner seems to be ecstatic. The thick warm repetitive penetration is satisfying. I feel one with my man. The rougher the thrusting the better. Someone else is in complete control, that feeling of letting go and just receiving is sedative. Doggy Style was initially very painful for me , it felt like a steel rod hitting my vaginal walls, least bit pleasurable. But a slight modification, like the thrusting should occur standing instead of he also going doggy on bed, there is no pain and complete contentment. Post coitus is when I feel extremely sentimental, I need a lot of cuddling and love. There is a lot of Oxycontin being released, and I look at my partner with immense love and gratitude. He stands by the window for a smoke, and I just fondlingly look at him. Entirely depends on how much I like the woman! Sex is entirely different if I know the woman and have an authentic emotional and physical connection. Entering a vagina is nothing like masturbating or any lotion you might buy from your local convenience store. Nothing matches the body heat of a man and a woman at 98. Your penis is warm, and her vagina is like a preheated oven by the time both of you guys are ready to actually start. Once you enter, you will feel the warmth and wetness and feel her vagina walls gently vice grip around your penis. Depending on your connection with the woman and how pleasuring she finds the penetration, it will dictate how lubricated she will be. Some say, hugging, kissing, and simply holding a woman will stimulate her brain even more to make it all the more better. If you are switching positions every now and then, you will see a white substance coming from her vagina. With that said, once you are 2 minutes in and about to orgasm, you will feel her vagina muscles tighten and a moment of clarity happens. From experience, holding out on the orgasm makes the climax better than just going all out. Instead of finishing in 2 minutes, try switching positions, thinking of butterflies, dogs, or that boring episode of friends to last longer. Entering the vagina prior to oral sex compared to none makes entering the vagina starkly different. It feels like running a marathon Foreplay and then finally finishing to eat a Mc D with water. Sex with a Virgin is the worst experience I have had. The best was when the girl was able to control her Vagina. I wish had the skills of the people who write about Deodorants.